2022 Spring Summer

Cycle by myob 2022 Spring summer collection
This collection expresses "waves and vibrations" in the design.
"Your own vibration spreading in space" spiral is expressed in the swirl design designed for this season's clothes.
The mood is Gore Trance. 90's Rave Culture is mood
In addition, we will use abundantly sun-dried (only the power of nature) sustainable linen this time to express a new sense of luxury, with an edgy street style.
The collaboration theme with kristina expresses the positive power and warmth of the sun, which is the source of all "SUN".
"Your own vibration spreading in space" spiral is expressed in the swirl design designed for this season's clothes.
The mood is Gore Trance. 90's Rave Culture is mood
In addition, we will use abundantly sun-dried (only the power of nature) sustainable linen this time to express a new sense of luxury, with an edgy street style.
The collaboration theme with kristina expresses the positive power and warmth of the sun, which is the source of all "SUN".
Cycle by myob 2022 Spring Summer は COSMIC SPIRALをテーマに掲げ、洗練されたストリートスタイルを提案する。
AW21 collectionにてコラボレーションしたロシア出身のアーティストKiristina Tuzova とのコレクションを引き続き制作。
SS22では“SUN” をテーマに愛や温もりを表現した。
My love , My warmth , My sun 彼女のペイントや表現にも前回とはまた違う色合いや表情が見えてきます。
LOOKBOOKはComiの友人である華道家 RYOTA HAGIWARAによる作品をメインに、ART DIRECTION や photographもKristina Tuzovaによるもの。
Mexicoのbrand “scent”とのコラボレーションではデニムへのブリーチングによる柄でトライバルサイケデリックを表現している。